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来源: 大河网      时间:2023-08-01 20:08:44


VIDEOS丨Highlights of Henan"s economic performance in H1


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According to a news briefing on economic performance of Central China"s Henan province in the first half of 2023held on July 31 in its capital city of Zhengzhou, Henan"s economy registered a steady growthnot only in quantity but also in quality during the January-June period.Here are some figures related to Henan"s economic performanceover the past 6 months.


In the first half of 2023, the gross domestic product expanded 3.8 percent year-on-year to 3.13 trillion yuan; the investment in1-billion-yuan (and above)projectsunder constructionreported a year-on-year growth of 24.8 percent; 1.074 million new market entitieswere registeredwith a year-on-year increase of 38.6 percent; the added value of emerging industriesabove the designated size jumped 9.7 percent year-on-year; 15 "smart islands" (5G+AI islands) were licensed; and the actual out-of-province funds in placewere up7.4 percent year-on-year.

全省地区生产总值3.13万亿元,同比增长3.8%;10亿元及以上在建项目年度投资同比增长24.8%;新设经营主体107.4万户,同比增长38.6%;规上工业战略性新兴产业增加值同比增长9.7%;认定授牌标准化“智慧岛”15个;实际到位省外资金同比增长7.4%。(编译/杨佳欣 审校/丁岚)



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